The food is a main priority whenever it comes to hosting an event and picking the correct service style. Some modern picks are growing in popularity and are worth reading about. Those transitioning from the average menu selection to grazing tables, hors a derves, and charcuterie selections. These tables can not only offer you the sweet or savory delicacies of the culinary world, but also hosting points. I’m going to be discussing why you should opt for a more modern way of hosting.
Everyone loves variety when it comes to a catered event but it can be rather costly. WIth finger foods and passed horderves, you allow your patrons to get the feel of having so many options, so much food. With a seamless option to go sweet, covering dessert off your books and allowing only one company to handle your needs. Harvest Boards, charcuterie, is another way to incorporate variety. Along with the feel of having a more serious, fancy occasion.
We all know the most expensive part of any event is the food, but grazing tables and passing horderves may save your bank. With buffet and plated service you are paying a head price as well as the setup, break down, and servers/bartenders of the catering company. With grazing tables servers are not necessary and could save you on labor. As well as the smaller portioning, and more inexpensive food costs compared to protein, starch and a vegetable. Quality does not have to be compromised in these options either.
The ability to completely construct the food experience of you and your patrons is another level to hosting. From family favorites, comfort foods, and simplicity for those corporate events, there is an endless supply of what you can offer. Big on the market today is bars consisting of different drink and food options. From hot stations for guests to have trained chefs prepare their meal in front of them. Hot cocoa, mimosa, dessert, and even slider bars as options for reference.
What you imagine your experience to have, can occur if you step outside the realm of traditional catering styles. Ask your catering company what they can do for you and inquire about the unique catering options we can and have supplied before.
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